Saturday, February 22, 2020

Features of Gothic Literature in Shirley Jackson's 'The Haunting of Essay

Features of Gothic Literature in Shirley Jackson's 'The Haunting of Hill House' - Essay Example Shirley Jackson’s book â€Å"The Haunting of Hill House† is easily characterized as a Gothic novel based on the presence of many of these characteristics within its pages. The story is basically that of a young woman who goes insane as a result of supernatural influences when she is invited to stay for a summer at a castle-like home located far from the next nearest seat of civilization in a dark and gloomy portion of the country. To explore how â€Å"The Haunting of Hill House† can be considered a Gothic novel, and thus begin to understand the concepts of Gothic literature itself, three elements of Gothic literature will be examined as they apply to the novel. The discovery of how the novel uses the concepts of the sublime, the castle and the Gothic psychomachy will reveal much about the common elements of Gothic literature. The idea of the sublime is not unique to Gothic literature, but the way in which it is applied often can be. The sublime refers to the presence of something that isn’t there, something intangible that is nevertheless felt. While often used in other texts to refer to something that is beneficial and ‘Godlike’, this concept also lends itself strongly to the Gothic novel. This is because the idea of the sublime can be heavenly as easily as it can be founded on the concepts of hell. With the Gothic novel’s concentration on the supernatural and the idea of ghosts, the sublime translates into the novel as the sense of an otherworldly presence that might or might not be discernable to the characters. Within Jackson’s novel, the idea of the sublime is pushed to its ultimate level without losing its meaning. This is particularly evident in the many instances that Jackson allows something to happen that remains forever unknown to the reader and to many of the other characters as well. During their stay at Hill House, all four of the primary characters begin to

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Homework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Homework - Research Paper Example The system also helps in management of such factors as differences in exchange rates, language, and culture and therefore promises and enhances capacity in the global set up. The organization also needs ERP system to improve its management initiatives from monitoring processes to control potentials over its processes. The system can also save the organization from efforts and resources for ordinary management of data (Monk and Wagner 2012, p. 36). ERP benefits Bag Co. by ensuring efficiency in data management. The system detects and eliminates duplication of data, a factor that ensures accuracy in data for informed decisions I data application. The organization has also attained a significant level of efficiency from the system’s application because its processes are faster, more accurate and cost effective (Hossain, Patrick, Rashid and Rashid 2002, p. 45). ERP also benefits the organization through integration of factors to the organization’s benefits for eliminated barriers (Monk and Wagner 2012, p. 36). Enterprise Resource Planning has the advantage of facilitated independence across an organization’s department because it avails information from different departments at a centralized place. This has secondary advantages of faster processes that ensure efficient service delivery to customers. The system also offers a competitive advantage over other organization through established efficiency and is an avenue to success in the global environment. The system is however expensive in terms of time and financial resources. The system is also prone information breach and may lead to information loss to competitors (Sudalaimuthu and Raj 2009, p. 364). Integrating SCM and CRM with ERP has the value of improving an organization’s competitive advantage. This is because the integration improves effectiveness of each of the systems and combines the system’s objectives that add different values to an