Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Development of a Nursing Care Plan For Angela - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theDevelopment of a Nursing Care Plan For Angela. Answer: Introduction This report`s title overtly highlights its central essence. It seeks to provide a systematic, extensive, concise and satisfactory development of a nursing care plan for Angela, who suffers from a chronic condition. To do this, the report will comprehensively discuss several aspects pertaining chronic conditions. The report is structured into four sections namely: a discussion of the guiding principles in planning nursing care for chronically ill patients, development of a nursing care plan( will include three nursing interventions supported by relevant rationale), an analysis of three collaboration ways between the registered nurse and other interdisciplinary team to provide a wholesome care and a conclusion. A discussion of the guiding principles in planning nursing care for chronically ill patients There is an increasing reliance on guiding principles regarding self-management and empowerment for patients with chronic conditions globally (McCorkle, et al., 2011). Essentially, it includes both the patient and the family. Self-management enables the patient and the family to collaboratively perform caring tasks for the patient with little aid from the registered nurse and other interdisciplinary team. On the other hand, patient empowerment depicts the ability of the patient to positively influence his or her health (Mitchell, et al., 2012). It involves enhancing the patient`s knowledge about his or her condition and motivating them to positively influence their health. Resultantly, this gives rise to well-informed patients who can immensely take responsibility for their health. This remarkably leads to improved quality of life and a lowered need for external assistance. The relevant guiding principles in a chronic and complex illnesses context are listed below: Establish a treatment partnership with the patient and involve other staff Employ the five A`s (assess, advice, agree, assist and arrange) Organizing proactive follow-up Assure on care continuity Each of these is concisely discussed in context below. Establish a treatment partnership with the patient It is indispensable to initiate a treatment partnership with chronically sick patients in order to facilitate their progressive positive recovery. This partnership normally involves creating ties with the patient and his or her family (Nuno, Coleman, Bengoa, Sauto, 2012). This is meant to establish a collaborative element among these involved parties, that is, the registered nurse, other relevant support staff, the patient and the family. It chiefly brings about synergy among these parties. For instance, Angela will need a partnership involving her, her daughters, the registered nurse and other relevant support staff. This will hasten her holistic recovery. Employ the five A`s (assess, advice, agree, assist and arrange) These A`s capture the paramount patient aspects. Assessing involves evaluating the patient`s consultation goals, identifying suitable treatments, risk factors and assessing the patient`s beliefs, knowledge, concerns and daily conducts related to his or her chronic condition. Advising includes completing the existing gaps in the patient`s understanding of his or her illness. This requires the use of a non-judgemental and neutral language (Parekh, Goodman, Gordon, Koh, Conditions, 2011). Agreeing is also essential. It involves agreeing upon goals which reflect the patient`s priorities. Assisting captures providing treatment particularly regarding self-management. Arranging involves follow-ups to monitor treatment progress and stresses key messages. For example, Angela`s GP admitted her to the hospital for oral prednisolone and IV antibiotics, salbutamol, Atrovent nebulisers, and oxygen therapy to keep her SO2 above 92%. This will aid in treating her condition. Organizing proactive follow-ups Proactive active follow-ups depict monitoring that is conducted on the patient before he or she has completed the treatment. It may be executed at agreed upon periodic intervals (Tinetti, Fried, Boyd, 2012). Such proactive follow-ups are precisely necessary since they enable the registered nurse in collaboration with other relevant interdisciplinary team to closely note the patient`s response to treatment and recovery progress. For example, prior follow-ups will be indispensable for Angela since she has not been diligent in taking her medication before. Resultantly, this aids the registered nurse to prudently monitor her progress. Assure on care continuity This involves concretely promising the patient that the present care will go on even after discharge from the hospital and or after treatment to avert any likelihood of relapse. For instance, Angela`s GP needs to assure her of continued care even after her discharge from the hospital. This will help in quite remarkably stabilizing her chronic condition alongside assisting her to perpetually positively influence her healing process. Development of a nursing care plan which involves three nursing interventions supported by relevant rationale Care plans should enable and empower patients to care for themselves in their preferred way (Tinetti, Fried, Boyd, 2012). This implies that the partnerships in the self-management care facilitate the patients and their families to attain their care goals their way. As such, Angela`s chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) requires immensely diligent nursing interventions. She will need nursing care both at the inpatient and outpatient (Ludman, et al., 2013). The desired outcomes of the nursing interventions include: to steady airway patency, exhibit behaviours to enhance airway clearance for instance expectorate secretions, demonstrate enhanced ventilation and enough oxygenation of tissues within the patient`s normal range and be relieved from respiratory distress symptoms and take part in treatment regimen accordingly (Kujipers, Groen, Aaronson, Harten, 2013). Nursing Intervention one Note the presence and degree of dyspnoea based on observation of her ``air hunger`` and respiratory distress. Employ a 0-10 scale Grade of Breathlessness Scale to rate her breathing difficulty (Morton, Fontain, Hudak, Gallo, 2017). Verify precipitating issues when possible and distinguish acute episode from chronic dyspnoea exacerbation. Rationale There is variability of respiratory dysfunction based on the underlying process like an allergic reaction, infection and the level of chronicity in a patient with established COPD (Katon J., 2011). Essentially, employing a 0-10 scale to rate dyspnoea helps to quantify and monitor respiratory distress changes. This rationale aids in upholding the guiding principles. For example the use of the five A`s (assess, advice, agree, assist and arrange). Since respiratory dysfunction is variant among patients, this principle is vividly addressed in that the five A`s are used in handling the rationale like assessing variability and advising on chronicity level among others. Similarly, the rationale assists in creating the necessary treatment partnership. Nursing intervention two Spur the expectoration of sputum; when saturation or retention is exhibited (Bridges, et al., 2013). This involves encouraging the patient to spit the sputum the more it is produced. Rationale Increased, thick, relentless, stained, copious secretions are a chief origin of impaired gas exchange in tiny airways. Deep suctioning can be needed when a cough is ineffective for secretions expectoration (Weissman Meier, 2011). This implies that it is imperative to encourage deep spiting of the produced sputum in order to clear the airways of the patient and consequently ease the breathing difficulty. This is especially when the sputum production is stained and of a monstrous amount like in the case of Angela (Katon, et al., 2012). This particular rationale supports the present best practices and the guiding principles mentioned above in that the employment of the five A`s is evident in this rationale particularly advising and assisting the patient to continuously spit the sputum. Additionally, the other guiding principles are also addressed here for instance; this rationale helps in establishing the decisive treatment collaboration with the patient, family, and other support staf f. Nursing intervention three Uplift the top end or the `head` of the bed, help patient to take a position to ease breathing work. Incorporate intervals of time prone position as allowed. Psych up pursed-lip or deep-slow breathing as individually required or allowed (Barry Edgman, 2012). Rationale Oxygen delivery can be enhanced by breathing exercises and upright position lower airway collapse, work of breathing and dyspnoea (Riegel, Jaarsma, Stromberg, 2012). Essentially, recent research backs the employment of prone position to upsurge SaO2 and PaO2. This rationale addresses the above-mentioned principles in several ways. For example, to organize proactive follow-ups. Here, the positive effects of the oxygen therapy can be observed to monitor earlier treatment as the therapy continues. Similarly, this rationale can be used to give assurance on care continuity in that the therapy will go on even in the outpatient. An analysis of three collaboration ways between the registered nurse and other interdisciplinary team to provide a wholesome care and a conclusion Nurses collaborate with other nurses and healthcare providers to resolve patient care challenges and to offer the optimal quality degree of care to the patient or even group of patients (Bender, Connelly, Brown, 2013). This overtly implies that the partnership of these nursing professionals provides a wholesome nursing care for patients. The interdisciplinary team is inevitably useful. The following is a precise and adequate analysis of three ways of such collaboration. The registered nurse can collaborate with nursing assistants in the facility. These are the unlicensed assistive personnel who aid the nurses in the provision of both indirect and direct care normally directly supervised by the nurse. They help in performing nonsterile functions such as providing and helping with the patient`s daily living activities, aiding the patient with exercises and measuring and documenting the health of the patient just to mention a few. These assistive activities are critical in the recovery of the patient particularly chronically ill ones. For instance, the nursing assistants will help Angela do her daily chores (e.g. caring for her granddaughters) at the outpatient following her discharge and help her in oxygen therapy and recording her response to treatment. Collaboration with respiratory therapists is another vital way. They precisely help in resolving healthcare problems associated with the respiratory system. These professionals administer respiratory medications, chest physiotherapy and intubate patients among others. For example, Angela needs the above-mentioned special services for her treatment to be effective and successful. The prescriptions for her which include oral prednisolone and IV antibiotics, salbutamol and Atrovent nebulisers inevitably require a respiratory therapist to be appropriately administered. This is especially after her confession that she had not been diligent in taking her prescription medicine before based on some speculator reasons. Similarly, the oxygen therapy as prescribed by her GP requires the immense assistance of the respiratory therapist. The therapist will take her through the relevant chest physiotherapy which will, in turn, contribute to proper oxygenation in her body and consequently maintain h er SpO2 above 92%. The registered nurse may partner with a social worker. They have very diverse roles in the healthcare setting. The social worker usually offers psychological support and counsel patients (Hughes Fitzpatrick, 2011). As such, they are necessary particularly to patients with chronic conditions like in the case of Angela. Most importantly, they provide a long-term care for patients even after their discharge from the hospital. Angela needs regular, adequate and continuous psychological support particularly regarding her being upset for her admission at the hospital as she feels that it is likely to inconvenience her family and hence leave her daughters striving for childcare. This is because her daughters rely on her to take care of their children. Consequently, the psychological aid will enable her to understand the pressing demands of her present condition and that her grandchildren will be well taken care of despite her being away from them for the time being. This will additionally enable her to positively influence her health and continue with her normal life even after being discharged. Counsel will also be provided for her accordingly to enable her to avoid or handle such stressing issues and worries. Conclusion Guiding principles form an indispensable pillar in planning nursing care for patients with chronic conditions.Care plans should serve to facilitate self-management and empowerment of the patient through collaborative efforts of the patient, family, registered nurse and other interdisciplinary team.Nursing interventions should be relevant and supported by rationale. Registered nurses can effectively collaborate with other interdisciplinary team to holistically care for the chronically ill patients. References Barry, J., Edgman, S. (2012). Shared decision makingthe pinnacle of patient-centered care. New England Journal of Medicine, 780-781. Bender, M., Connelly, D., Brown, C. (2013). Interdisciplinary collaboration: The role of the clinical nurse leader. Journal of nursing management, 165-174. 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