Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ancient Greece And Ancient Roman Empires Essay - 1617 Words

In today’s time people always say that everything that seems to be â€Å"new† is just really something remade from the past. Throughout time and space works of art and literature spread around and are adapted to what a certain culture needs. This glocalizing means taking the original form and manipulating it so it can best fit the audience in which is viewing it. Whether it be translating something from one language to another or even completely changing something that was intended for adults so it could be easy for children to learn. Similarly, in the transition between the Ancient Greece and Ancient Roman Empires so many aspects of the Grecian culture is adapted by the Romans but they glocalize it in order to get more Romans on board with what the Greeks thought of. Even the Ancient Roman writer and philosopher Seneca glocalized Euripides’ play Hippolytus. Despite the five hundred year time difference between Euripides’ Hippolytus and Seneca’s Pha edra, Seneca makes his best attempt to copy the play but including aspects of the Roman culture he lived in. The culture gap between Ancient Greece and Rome ultimately affects how the readers perceive the story and how different the two tales actually are. Between 30 and 40 C.E. Seneca’s writing started becoming increasingly popular throughout the Roman Empire. On the other hand, many people did not support his philosophical ideas such as stoicism. Seneca’s stoic philosophy is defined as â€Å"a philosophy that flourished in ancientShow MoreRelatedComparing Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman Architecture Essay1132 Words   |  5 PagesThe two ancient civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome were the best of the best during their time periods. Ancient Greece began around 2000 B.C. by the inhabitants known as the Mycenaean’s, followed by the Minoans. The Minoans built the foundation of Greece. 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